Friday, 8 April 2016


I regularly attended a weekly Satsang a few years back. (Satsang in Indian religions is being in the company of the truth or the good, by sitting together with a guru or a group of spiritual students) It was a time of great personal change and I was struggling to adjust to my new circumstances. I found great comfort in the practice as it opened my awareness to greater possibilities and new horizons of exploration.
Illustrations © Barbara J Holzapfel

One beautiful aspect of a Satsang is that the information being shared is unfolding in such an organic method that one can receive it in very personal, intimate terms. Each week I would leave the gathering bewildered, wondering.. how could the speaker have known what I needed to hear? Because every Satsang was like listening to streaming information from God/Spirit/Cosmos, devoid of any particular plan or agenda, it was an opportunity to be present without a specific expectation. I just never knew what was going to happen.. what was going to be talked about and how it was going to touch me.

I now find that sitting in silence, with no specific agenda, I often arrive at a similar place of peace and understanding that those sage encounters presented. Apparently all that is required is that I show up, ready to listen, and willing to hear.

Ultimately some experiences are only available to lone explorers.

Wednesday, 6 April 2016


There is a serious tug of war going on in end-of-life care. Consensus says that a stimulated lifestyle will uplift and potentially prolong living for those nearing the end of their life. With the ultimate goal being a long, rich life, it's reasonable that a compassionate approach to care would include creative activities, familiar visitors, and plenty of opportunities for social engagement.

In nursing homes all over the country the elderly are escorted from their rooms to gather in the common area and listen to joyful children sing, learn a new craft, or simply enjoy a coffee with the other residents. Sounds good, unless the resident is not as comfortable being as social as others may deem normal.

We know Christina's essential nature is to be friendly but solitary. At the hight of her mobility she was never one to go for coffee with the girls or volunteer to be involved in a local event. Her independence following the loss of her husband several years ago has been paramount in her personal goal for living a good life. She has spent the last decade living happily alone in her own home with little to no community involvement. To meet our goal of providing compassionate care for my mother-in-law, my husband and I must continually revisit what fits with her current emotional and physical state.

We believe offering the opportunity and encouragement to choose how her time is spent will help us in maintaining supportive, compassionate care.