Friday, 8 April 2016


I regularly attended a weekly Satsang a few years back. (Satsang in Indian religions is being in the company of the truth or the good, by sitting together with a guru or a group of spiritual students) It was a time of great personal change and I was struggling to adjust to my new circumstances. I found great comfort in the practice as it opened my awareness to greater possibilities and new horizons of exploration.
Illustrations © Barbara J Holzapfel

One beautiful aspect of a Satsang is that the information being shared is unfolding in such an organic method that one can receive it in very personal, intimate terms. Each week I would leave the gathering bewildered, wondering.. how could the speaker have known what I needed to hear? Because every Satsang was like listening to streaming information from God/Spirit/Cosmos, devoid of any particular plan or agenda, it was an opportunity to be present without a specific expectation. I just never knew what was going to happen.. what was going to be talked about and how it was going to touch me.

I now find that sitting in silence, with no specific agenda, I often arrive at a similar place of peace and understanding that those sage encounters presented. Apparently all that is required is that I show up, ready to listen, and willing to hear.

Ultimately some experiences are only available to lone explorers.

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