Thursday, 20 August 2015


Illustrations © Barbara J Holzapfel

Author Chris McGoff wrote in his book "The Primes",
"A butterfly is a transformation.. not a better version of a caterpillar".

There is an unknowing within transformation that is absent within change. To allow transformation to occur one must relinquish control of ones current reality and surrender to the unknown power of the cosmos in which all of creation effortlessly evolves.

Surrender may be one of the most uncomfortable aspects of the dying process. If one is clinging to the mistaken belief that absolute control is mandatory to survival then the road to death requires insurmountable courage, physically and emotionally. However, if our culture supports the reality that ultimately we are not in absolute control of this earthly existence, loosening one's grip on the many layers of self preservation may soften the experience of loss and fear that dying commonly manifests.

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